I have an acquaintance who is kind of eclectic. Ok, the word I’d really like to use is kooky. She is obsessed with kale. Last year she reminded me to massage my kale for a salad I was [...]
I feel like salads during a holiday meal are always the bridesmaid and never the bride. They’re usually an afterthought. “Why would you want to waste valuable stomach space on a [...]
I’ve never felt in such good shape physically as I do now. I exercise consistently and I eat a healthy balance of foods. There was a time however, about 15 years ago, where I felt like a [...]
Growing up and living in Los Angeles, I am definitely a warm weather lady. Cold weather and I do not get along; however, if I have to experience cooler Fall/Winter weather, I will sacrifice so [...]
I asked myself the following question the other day: why are turkey meatballs called turkey MEATballs? Why aren’t they called turkeyballs or poultryballs? Perhaps proteinballs? Meatballs [...]