I asked myself the following question the other day: why are turkey meatballs called turkey MEATballs? Why aren’t they called turkeyballs or poultryballs? Perhaps proteinballs? Meatballs [...]
I feel like I talk about balance a lot. After all, it IS half the title of my website. During nutritional coaching, I’ll often ask clients if they have ever tried any sort of special “diet”. [...]
I’ve been hearing a lot of excuses lately from people I know as to why they don’t shop at a farmers’ market. Starting today, I’m going to give you reasons why you should [...]
A former coworker of mine enjoyed throwing out the most outrageous nutrition claims he could think of to see what my reaction would be. I was pretty much always on the defense. At one point, he [...]
We all go through phases in life where we overuse a word or phrase until it gets to a point where people start pointing it out and making fun of you. Apparently, I used to repeatedly exclaim, [...]